• Surfers
  • Creators

Sexy Cosplay Babes FAQ’s for Surfers

Because some people out there just kinda have no clue about the hell my erotic directories and links pages are, this FAQ should answer most of your questions.  There is information for both surfers of my network as well as the content creators that make everything happen.

What is Sexy Cosplay Babes?

Sexy Cosplay Babes is my flagship erotic cosplay links directory, with pretty hand picked content creators, but with my own twist on the whole thing.  Those are the content creators I post here.  Think of this erotic cosplay directory like all of my other concepts, I am visually forward and the way these creators are indexed, it’s a living art gallery to this fetish.  At the end of the day, that’s really all that matters to me.

Why the same design on the Directories?

This framework is so fucking custom, and it’s mine, I partially coded it and this GUI brings the vision I have in my head of these women directly to what I want you to see.  Does that make any sense?  It’s lightweight, fast as fuck and it’s just beautiful.  It also makes me kinda unique since you can see my work and know that it’s me behind it usually.

Why the music and the “radio”?

Music is powerful, it conveys a mood.  And I’m usually jamming out when I’m indexing so why not share some of my playlist for you.  When I was younger, I always wondered what other fetishists were listening to.  So yah.  For the mood of the musical tastes, I’m an ex goth kid, I like it hot and dark, usually.  No if I’m playing lucifer, that doesn’t mean I’m a devil worshipper or whatever, lol.  If anything, I’m running to the light if something weird happens, I just like the band and they happen to have that name.

Why are your creators “handpicked”?

Because every creator around the world thinks she is beautiful little flower and I’m a “woman worshipper”, it’s hard to say no, and I’m definitely not going to ruin someone’s day by saying their content isn’t up to par.  It’s just easier, posting creators that I like and/or have already formed connections with.  But at the end of the day, someone’s gonna be offended, but that’s the short story.

Why can’t I download anything?

Because it’s not my content, my job is to point you in a direction..

How do I search for a particular content creator or niche?

I have my primary categories and my tags.  Please note that I have like 80 tags, I can only post 50 though on the sidebar.  If a creator is a “shy cosplay creator” but she is a coed, that will be tagged.  So your looking in the “coed cosplay” index and can’t find what you want, please check the tags, clicking a tag will be a new search with creators that you might not have seen, that are coeds.

Sometimes this cosplay directory loads slow

I currently don’t have a CDN because I can’t afford it really.  Also the creator pages have a shitload of promotional media on them, so give it a minute.

We give!

We’ve changed our donation portal to the Dumb Friends League.  No one has the right to bully or harm animals.  They are defenseless and all animals are children of God.  I give 7% of everything I earn to this organization.

Sexy Cosplay FAQ’s for Creators

…Because you’re probably wondering why your content is here.  Also because you probably think I’m a scammer or something nefarious like that.  I’m not any of those.  My name is Chaz Fontana and I’m a foot fetishist.  I saw you online via your social media page(s) and figured you might enjoy some free organic traffic. My network has launched the online careers of over 400 content creators.  I’m blessed enough to have over 8 million surfers passing through the gates of my network per year.  I also have over 6ooo erotic creators indexed, covering over 183 different niches.

I’ve been on the net since 1995.  My first erotic links page was with Digital Divas Online if any of you remember that.  I couldn’t imagine doing anything else, to be honest.

What do you get out of it?

The fact that your brand is on record now and promotional content.  For generations, decades into the future, to rediscover you, keep giving you sales for your brand and you being on a respected erotic cosplay directory, where all of the content creators are “hand picked”.

What do I get out of it?

Exposure, the possibility of going viral.  Having your fan base vote on your brand, so you can see how you and your competition are doing comparatively.  What this directory can do for you also directly corresponds to your effort.  I match it.

If you want to run ads on my sidebar or main page, you get first dibs.  Your profile is also updated every year.  Your brand is lovingly taken care of.  You want to get on the top ticker?  Just give us shout outs.  A simple link back to my main page or even your featured page would make me so grateful and will also make me want to promote you much more.  If you don’t want to be on this party train, please just fill out my DMCA form 😉

“I’m not listed with you, but would like to be”

There’s a good chance that I’ve not seen your work if that’s the case.  Please do feel free to send me an email, I’d like your url, please give me a week or so to get back to you.

I still have my link tree but I’m in the 404 creator index?

If you have a “linktree” but you pulled all of your social media links, to me that means that you’re not using me anymore, but would still like my traffic.  ..yeah no.  That’s not going to work.  I really get nothing out of sending you traffic for years on end anyways.  I don’t even know you, really.  If you like my traffic, please email me and I will work something out with you.

What’s a Good Content Creator?

I look for creators with nice, clear properly focused images and HD video promotionals at a minimum.

not “meme hell”, save that for your personal page please.  If there are 400 images and only 3 of them are you, I mean.. really?  I’m not scrolling through all of that and neither will my surfers.

If your social media page is locked, I can’t follow you to join it, I just don’t have the time.  So sorry about that.

You have to have some sort of passion, don’t “go through the motions”.

You have to seem like you’re a nice person. (this point really matters to me).  I don’t want to be inadvertently putting “toxic creators” on the map.  Especially nowadays, everyone’s seems so selfish on the day to day.

If you have video promotionals, please don’t mute your voice.  You won’t bond with your surfers correctly.  Don’t be blurring out your feet, they aren’t tits.

Please PLEASE STOP putting your kids and freaking pets in the backgrounds, it completely fucks up the shot and from a moral stand point and stuff, I thought that common sense would have said something to you (inner voice).  But no I gotta fucking explain it, come on, really?  Blah. :(. I will not post you if you have that sort of crap all over your page.

I don’t care about followers, you can have 5 followers, have passion and kill the niche you’re slinging and I’ll put you on my front page.  I give creators chances to succeed.  It make’s me sleep better at night to know that I’m doing my part for this niche in my own way.

I don’t see color.  Racism is retarded.  Anyone of any ethnicity is welcome.

What is “ongoing indexing”?

I revisit your brand every couple of years and provide my surfers with new promotional material that they might dig as well as telling you how proud of you I am for staying online. 🙂

Why do you want to smell our stinky, gross sweaty feet?

I mean I do have a foot fetish site I own.  Imho it’s 2024 and sex is the end, not the beginning and middle of a woman.  Well she’s a stranger when she sits down right?  and usually dear friends afterwards.  I am also a foot fetishist and women give me so much, they’re bacteria, amino acids, vaginal secretions, pheromones and they’re salts, everything a submissive man needs.  They tell me about themselves as they slowly rub their feet on my face.  I know her by scent afterwards and have the ability to recall they’re scent.  To me, women are a beautiful painting, both powerful and dominating, for the most part and I prefer building off of this deviant sexuality, basically.

What I won’t promote

I don’t post “trans’ anything.  I have no passion for it, or cross cosplay stuff.  A couple are fine, but if that’s all you do, probably not.

hurting animals, trampling animals, as a sexual deviant, nothing should make you stray from the path of common sense and decency.  Animals are innocent.  Fuck that niche..  Spitting – “fucking why?!?  It’s gross”

We give!

We’ve changed our donation portal to the Dumb Friends League.  No one has the right to bully or harm animals.  They are defenseless and all animals are children of God.  I give 7% of everything I earn to this organization.

Reach Out

Hey you, I'm not around right now. But you can send me an email and i'll get back to you, asap.

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